organisational stucture of the itm

Oversight Committee (Beheerkomitee)

This committee is appointed by the Engineering Faculty Board for a term of 12 months and is typically chaired by the Dean or a Vice-dean. It is responsible for overall policy matters and overseas the activities of the institute. It submits an annual report on the institute's activities through the Engineering Faculty Board to the University Senate and the University Board.

Management Committee (Bestuurskomitee)

This committee is elected by a Departmental Meeting of the Department of Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering for a term of 12 months and is chaired by the Director. The Chairman of the Department is an ex officio member of the Management Committee. The committee makes recommendations to the Oversight Committee regarding matters of policy. The Management Committee controls the acceptance of contracts and consulting briefs, supervises the executing of projects and controls the finances of the ITM.


The ITM Divisions coincide with the Divisions of the Department of Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering.

ITM Members

All permanent academic staff of the Department of Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering are members of theITM.


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